WorldPeace the newborn way!



When you hold a newborn in your hands, the perspective about life goes through a major change.

The baby itself is a big miracle. One single cell progressed into this miniature angel just keeps you in awe. Along with that comes the realisation that everyone around you, including yourself, steered life the same way -being completely dependent on others.
A highly successful individual or a complete failure, a domineering person or a weak one, a happy-go-lucky person or a perpetually depressed one – they were all born as these miniature angels and started life crying for milk, poop, pee, gas, cold, hot, loneliness, comfort, everything.
They all were born dependent on their mothers and with their world restricted to their milk factories.
A random thought as I hold my new born dearly and dream up a happy future for him – wouldn’t it be absolutely wonderful if everyone, in the moment of getting affronted by someone at being taken over by their egos, greed, power could just remember this perspective, just then.

How, the other person who seems so over powering or so beaten down, was at the beginning, just a new born wailing away for his/her mother’s attention.
Then, maybe all the differences would vanish.
Then,maybe most (if not all) of the strife in the world may just end even before it begins.

Then,maybe the world would manage to be the beautiful place where all of us would want to welcome our newborns.


About Chandana

I love to read and I love being a mother, so most of my articles are from these two worlds. Professionally, I have been active in the world of Talent and HR for 11 years. I am now on a re-invention break for a year, unlearning, learning and creating life all over again.
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